
Fischer y Cía. has created this website in order to support understanding and debate on these changes to the Chilean tax system. This is general information. Therefore, it is not necessarily complete or exact. It is also continually updated and corrected. We invite you to collaborate with this initiative by sending comments or documentation to


Inheritances, Assignations and Donations

September 20, 2022

  1. Taxable event

Revocable donations are now a taxable event subject to donation tax.

  1. Exemptions

The tax exemption is eliminated on donations by individuals for any purpose from fully taxed resources according to the LIR, limited to 20% of their received income. Such donations are subject to the insinuation process.

  1. Taxable Income

The rules for valuing inherited, assigned or donated assets are amended. Their financial value must be calculated in accordance with the legal rules.

  1. Tax payment order on request

The IRS obligation to immediately issue the tax payment order if the assets were valued under certain circumstances is also eliminated.

  1. Effective date

These amendments will become effective as of the first day of the month following the publication of the Law in the Official Gazette.